Moving Forward

Community Message

June 11th, 2016

Dear friends,

Expanding our World, expanding our horizons, expanding our capabilities, all have one factor in common – moving forward.

One of the ways we continue to step forward at BHS is bringing our services closer to you.  I am proud to announce that on May 16th, 2016 we have expanded BHS offices in the State of Ohio, by opening a new location in Cincinnati.  Our expansion was accompanied by an attendance of over 100 people.  

I would like to thank everyone who supported our initiative and was present during this important event. Please visit for the location and opening hours of the new office.  Our expansion will continue across the United States and the rest of the continents. In the next month, I will be announcing the opening of additional locations in Paris and Dakar.

As we continue to broaden our footprint, I am pleased to highlight the progress our Nation is making at home.  The construction of the mega-digital park in the City of Diamniadio Valley is another important step in the development of our infrastructure and economy.  Project initiated by the administration of honorable President Macky Sall, and financed by African Development Bank (AFDB), will provide fertile ground for foreign investment, essential for the economic development of our Country.

The mega-city will help reduce congestion in Dakar, offer new jobs, and create thousands of new homes.  BHS has a number of programs that will allow you to purchase residences for living as well as investment.  You will be able to find more information by visiting our online portal at or contacting one of our local offices near you.

As always, I want to thank you for your contributions, time, and ideas.  Our Nation continues to emerge and we work passionately every day to make our dreams reality. 



 Abdoulaziz Sy

General Manager - BHS Americas

 One Roof – One Citizen

Community Message

May 1st, 2016

Dear friends,

 Change is part of our lives. Change is exciting, necessary, but can be difficult without support. Last year we have committed to you to make change easier by uniting our community around the World through our online portal.

Today is a bi-lingual site that is being updated with tools that will better your financial lives. In addition, we are committed to support our community partners, who now have interactive links available through our portal.

Whether you are on a mobile device, tablet, or a desktop, you can request to chat with our knowledgeable staff or simply call us to schedule an appointment at our 11 locations conveniently spread across New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, Maryland, Tennessee, Ohio, North Carolina, and Canada.

BHS Americas offers a variety of mortgage programs available for you whether you are planning to invest into your first home, obtain re-financing, or looking to diversify your portfolio. 

In order to know how to properly invest into real estate, it is important to understand the economic direction our Country. According to key indicators, Senegalese GDP is projected to accelerate at over 5.3% in 2016, as compared to an average 3.5% over the past 5 years. The main factors of growth can be attributed to agricultural, power supply, telecommunication and financial services sectors. World Bank reported that continued strengthening of the political system after the March 20th, 2016 constitutional changes, would help further stabilize and fuel growth of the financial system. Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE) implemented by honorable President Macky Sall, aims to further improve both public and private sectors. I am pleased to say that overall direction of our economy is favorable, which means that our future is brighter.

I want to thank you for your time and devotion. We welcome and encourage your feedback as we continue to increase our footprint and unite our community in a way that it has not been done before.


 Abdoulaziz Sy

General Manager - BHS Americas



JANUARY 15TH, 2016


Dear Friends,

As we embark on a new year, I want to thank you for all of your support and ideas as we continue to grow our network. I am pleased to announce that this year we will be growing  our footprint. Our expansion in Baltimore, MD is schedule for early this year. A formal date will be announced soon. 

I want to wish you a prosperous and eventful year. We at BHS Americas will continue to work to help you fulfill your dreams.



Abdoulaziz Sy
General Manager – BHS Americas




Dear friends,

I am proud to share with you exciting news about the future of our Nation.  In the next 6 months BHS Americas will be developing an interactive online community portal that will serve as a central connection point for Senegalese collective in US, Senegal, and the rest of the World.  I urge you to partake in the development of this project by frequently visiting this site and contributing your ideas.  The objective is to unite us in a way that has not been done before.  Once the portal is live you will have information that will help you stay connected with others and ultimately better your lives.  

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Yours truly,


Abdoulaziz Sy
General Manager – BHS Americas